In my life this week…
There is a strange, round, yellow thing in the sky. We have heard of other parts of the world that see it daily, but it's been hidden behind dark, thick clouds for so long we forget what they call it.
In some ways I didn't miss it because the rain excused me from weeding. But it's okay. I still have my plantar fasciitis to keep me sitting. (Won't help the way I look in a bathing suit though.) It IS nice to see Father R chasing Mei around the yard in the lawn tractor!
In our homeschool this week…
We are really pushing to complete the Marco Polo and Ancient China lapbooks in time for our homeschool group's Closing Program. Which is in just 10 days. And we will be spending five of them away celebrating Memorial Weekend. Looks like more School-on-Wheels!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Several roadtrips to the lake house to prepare for the summer season. Therefore, LOTS of School-on-Wheels.
This Tuesday, we are bidding farewell to Tai as she departs on a four-month domestic deployment to Miami to work with their local law enforcement. Wasn't too sorry to hear that the Defense Department is nixing the remaining deploys--which could include less scenic places like Afghanistan--due to budget cuts. The government does get SOME things right.
My favorite thing this week was…
Mei finding a nest of robins (how apropos for me!) in her tree house/swingset! They had just hatched! Now to keep her and the cats away.
My other fav thing was discovering a homeschool group right in my backyard that provides more coops, field trips, enrichment, and support than I thought I would ever find. Can't wait to get involved!
My new smartphone (the Droid X
by Motorola
) is definitely working and I'm still mining its applications for productivity in the home and school. It is cutting WAAAAYY down on the amount of books we stuff into the backseat for School on Wheels. Thanks to the many books on the Ambleside Online curriculum list that are free online, I can use my phone to read our daily selections right from the screen while we tool down the highway. Even Father R enjoys listening to something else than radio.
This is a subject I plan to get into deeper in another post. Stay tuned.
What's working/not working for us...
This is a subject I plan to get into deeper in another post. Stay tuned.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
Foreign language next year? Latin, Spanish, or French? Anything?
And whether declining teaching in our Pioneer Girls Club next year is selfishness or protectiveness. (So much time and energy being taken away from schooling. Wah.)
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Cutest ugliness you ever saw.
Got any smartphone ideas to share? Share them! Thanks for stopping by and thanks to The Homeschool Chick for hosting the Homeschool Mother's Journal!
Yeah, that's pretty cute/ugly! School-on-wheels can be crazy; sounds like you might be a pro though!
ReplyDeleteThat's so great to find a group that works for you; it really does make this easier.
Stopping by from THMJ!