Jan 17, 2011
Needling Me
I know God has a plan for everything, so is it a sign of a fallen world or really His desire that Christmas Tree Needles should proliferate until Easter?
Glitter Grouse
I think glitter should be sold with an NC-17 rating--available for sale only to consenting adults who know how to use it safely and without harming themselves or the environment, especially the indoor environment better known as my house. What might be "pretty" glimmering on paper is akin to slime or excrement on my furniture, carpet, clothing, kitchen counters, washing machine, washCLOTH.....It's used in one end of the house and I find its evidence three rooms away. Send it back to Tinker Bell; I'm done with it!
Now how am I going to get rid of these little early Valentines from my DD without scarring her psyche?
Now how am I going to get rid of these little early Valentines from my DD without scarring her psyche?
PS Let's add sugar cookie sprinkles to that list of controlled substances too.
What's on your grouse list?
1 for 1: Book Challenge

I've stumbled upon the blog "52 Books in 52 Weeks" before and was overwhelmed at the very thought, not to mention the execution, especially for me. It took me at least 3 months to get through some Jane Austen books. How could anyone who does more than read by the fading light of the afternoon eating bon-bons while reclining on a fainting couch possibly have time to read a book a WEEK? A MAGAZINE a week would be a challenge!
But "52 Books" gives bonus points/grace to those who tackle more than Oprah's Book Club selections. You're allowed to read a classic a month for instance. I might be able to do that with a prod.
I really liked the category options, especially the Well-Educated
Mind list. Since homeschooling MeiWei using Charlotte Mason and Ambleside Online, I feel the push personally to become better-read. (Can't have the child out-educate me!) So the challenge of 3 selections each from 4 of the five categories. Here's the page from "52 Weeks" WEM list.
But first I have to finish Elizabeth Gaskell's CranfordWhat are you reading--just for YOU?
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